I'm thrilled that I can get this product locally!

I started using organic virgin coconut oil with a foster dog that had recently been treated for sarcoptic mange, and yeast and bacterial infections. The transformation of her skin and coat was amazing!
I love Oscar Newman AND CocoTherapy Reading I'm thrilled that I can get this product locally! 1 minute Next Switched to CocoTherapy, and love it!

I started using organic virgin coconut oil with a foster dog that had recently been treated for sarcoptic mange, and yeast and bacterial infections. The transformation of her skin and coat was amazing! I also started feeding it to my fosters who came to rescue with lesions and hair loss from flea dermatitis.

After seeing the difference OVCO makes, I feed it on a regular basis to my resident dogs as well as my fosters. When my 6yo papillon/poodle mix had her last checkup, her vet was extremely complimentary about the condition of her coat. I'm thrilled that I can get this product locally!

Caryn Bennett Franson
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma